Research Experience
2020-Present: Assistant Professor in Physical Chemistry, Oregon State University (USA)
2016-2020: Isborn Group, University of California Merced (USA)
Research modeling absorption spectra of solvated dyes, with a special focus on the influence of vibronic transitions on the simulated spectra.
2014-2016: Theory of Condensed Matter Group, University of Cambridge (UK)
Research (advisor: Professor Mike C. Payne) into the properties of excited states in complex environments, with a special focus on pigments in solution and exciton coupling in large-scale biological pigment-protein complexes.
2011-2015: PhD Research, Imperial College London (UK)
PhD research project “Computing the optical properties of large systems” (supervisor: Prof. Peter D. Haynes) which focused on the development of efficient theoretical and computational approaches to calculating the optical properties of complex biomolecules and nano-structured materials for solar energy storage.
2010-2011: MSc in Theory and Simulation of Materials, Imperial College London (UK)
Distinction; Research project studying the properties of titanium dioxide nano-structures using density-functional theory (DFT) (supervisor: Professor Peter D. Haynes)
2007-2010: BSc in Theoretical Physics, Imperial College London (UK)
1st Class Honors; Theoretical and computational research project titled “Collective Quantum Tunneling” (supervisor: Dr. Derek Lee)
2016: Co-investigator on Winton Pump-Prime grant “Quantum mechanical modeling of energy transport in photosynthetic pigment-protein complexes”, £50,000 for CPU time on the Darwin supercomputer
2014: Named researcher on ARCHER eCSE project grant “Calculating Excited States of Extended Systems in LR-TDDFT”, 6 months of funding as a research associate
2014: ARCHER RAP call “Linear-scaling density-functional theory applied to optical properties of semiconductor nanocrystals“, (PI: Nicholas D. M. Hine), amount: 12 million compute units on the UK national supercomputer ARCHER
2015: Springer Thesis Prize
2015: The Centre for Doctoral Training in Theory and Simulation of Materials Excellence in Research Prize, Imperial College London
2010: The Ken Allen Prize for Academic Excellence, Imperial College London